A World First

A group of people discussing ISO30414:2018

A world first

HCM Metrics are the first and original certified assessment body for ISO 30414:2018 and ESRS S1. Founder and Chairman, David Simmonds (M.Sc.HRD, FITOL, Chartered FCIPD) was personally certified in 2019 by Ron McKinley, Chair of the ISO Technical Committee that developed the standard.

Dr McKinley noted, “David Simmonds demonstrated that he possesses the necessary knowledge, experience, skills, abilities, attributes, education, and training that qualifies him to certify both individuals and organisations regarding their conformance to ISO Standard 30414:2018 and ESRS S1 – Guidelines for internal and external human capital reporting.


At HCM Metrics, we envision a future where human capital management is central to every organisation’s strategy, enabling businesses to make more informed decisions through effective reporting. We aim to be the leading provider of auditing and certification for human capital functions, empowering organisations to measure and enhance the contribution of their workforce in line with the ISO 30414:2018 standards and ESRS S1 regulations.


HCM Metrics is dedicated to advancing the effectiveness of human resources management by auditing and certifying organisations’ HR functions, roles, and processes in accordance with ISO 30414:2018 standards and ESRS S1 regulations. We are committed to providing transparent and reliable human capital reporting that allows organisations to assess and maximise the true value of their workforce.


At HCM Metrics, we uphold excellence and integrity in everything we do. Our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct guides every action, ensuring accountability and transparency. We embrace the principles of servant leadership, social capital, and Integrated Reporting, focusing on sustainable, long-term relationships that create value for our clients and stakeholders. Through these values, we strive to create an environment where human capital is recognised and empowered as a key driver of organisational success.

Our purpose and our passion

Trust and Integrity – We are open and transparent in our working methodology
We are content rich on resource and material therefore we have a lot to share
We have all been on an incredible life journey and our stories are phenomenal in helping you
We will lead you on a new discovery in raising HR standards
We will bring clarity to your organisation and make everything related to HR tangible

David Simmonds, Chairman of HCM Metrics Image

About David Simmonds


In 2015, David Simmonds founded HR Analytics Ltd to help organisations make better decisions through effective human capital and related data analysis. Before that, he was a principal/senior lecturer for the universities of West London, Westminster and Chichester, during which time he had consulting, training and development, senior advisory, and executive coaching assignments with organisations such as Barclays Bank, Bank of Malaysia, Bloomberg, British Airways, British Telecom, GlaxoSmithKline, Heinz Foods, Royal Mail, Starwood Hotels, and Triton Investment Advisers.

David is a Chartered Fellow of the U.K.’s CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) and holds certifications from the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management, the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning and the Higher Education Academy.

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